Pennine Road, Simmondley, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 NN

01457 852721

Simmondley Primary School

Caring hearts, aspiring minds

***Open Day for Reception Class of 2025 Tuesday 22nd October 2024. For more information or to book your tour, please contact the office: 01457 852721 or email***

Home Learning

Message from Mrs Greaves

10 Timetabling tips for novice home educators

 1.  A timetable doesn't need to have actual times on it.  Add them by all means, it if help you - but simply dividing the day into 'blocks' of unspecified length, each allocated to a different activity, enables both structure and flexibility.

2.  In most primary schools, English and maths tasks tend to be completed in the morning, with afternoons given to topic work and creative activities.  Whilst it's not obligatory, sticking roughly to this recognisable routine might help with getting children's buy-in, as it will have a ring of official authenticity.

3.  Whatever you do, build in reading time each day - independent and/or shared - and talk to children about their reading.  Add it to your own work timetable if you need to; it should be right at the top of your priority list.

4.  Specific learning tasks can be short.  Younger children may only be able to work for 10-15 minutes independently, older children will be able to work for longer.  Bear in mind, though, that some experts estimate once you take out assemblies, moving between classrooms, getting out books and equipment, tidying away, behaviour management, breaks and lunchtime - two hours of quality learning in total could easily represent the equivalent of a full school day.

5.  Build in time for rest, lunch and free play; and plan to spend some time outdoors every day if you can.  Adding these to the timetable reminds everyone of their importance.

6.  Learning does not have to be all about formal worksheets!  Cooking, helping with household chores, telling stories using their toys, planting seeds, playing board games... all these and more definitely count as learning; and being able to spend time like this can be a hugely positive aspect of educating at home.

7.  Setting up personal projects about something your child is interested in can be really motivating.  Perhaps they could have daily 'project time', where they research and make a book ,PowerPoint or piece of artwork following their own interests - and then teach you what they've learnt.

8.  Encourage children to complete something creative each day (artwork, Lego models, making a den, baking and then decorating cakes, playdough).

9.  Involve your children when planning their day so that they know what to expect and feel some ownership of their learning.

10.  Above all, remember to be flexible - for example, let your child continue with an activity if they are enjoying it and fully engaged; and never be afraid to change the timetable if it's not working - you don't even have to run your proposed alterations past the Senior Leadership Team!

Oak (Year 6 - Mrs Collyer) 

Silver Birch (Year 5 - Mrs Ellison) 

Hawthorn (Year4 - Mrs Constantine and Mrs Bradbury) 

Maple (Year 3/4 - Mrs Hewitt) 

Willow (Year 2/3 - Mr Smith) 

Beech (Year2 - Mrs Daniels) 

Elm (Year 1 - Mrs Rocca Jordan) 

Rowan (Year 1/Reception - Mrs Bruce) 

Apples (Reception - Mrs Gerrard)


Watch the NSPCC's Speak Out Stay Safe primary school assembly - presented by Ant and Dec, and David Walliams, in partnership with Department for Education.  Speak out. Stay safe. Virtual Assembly.mp4


Websites for Home Learning.pdf - with links to lots of online activities and games (one free pack then option to purchase more)

The Nosy Crow Book at Bedtime - listen to a free book at bedtime by the children's book publisher Nosy Crow.

Barefoot Computing Home Learning - Enjoyable activities, designed by teaching professionals for families to do at home with their children. 

Derbyshire Music Education Hub - Music at Home - Weekly activities, ideas and resources for continuing music learning from home – for all ages and stages of education

How to make a Mud Kitchen.pdf

Looking after mental health and wellbeing

Online Safety

Physical Activity and Sport Home Learning

RadioBlogging.Net is a 'daily radio programme that teaches literacy and is aimed at families and schools. It is interactive so that children write and their work is published during and after the show. Each day there are spelling, grammar and vocabulary games, followed by creative writing and responding to reading. The show features a poet of the day and author of the week. All posts are moderated and there is a team of teachers that respond to the children’s writing. It is an innovative project combining education radio and blogging to enhance and support continuous learning provision at this critical time'.


Thank you NHS - colour in these pictures and put them in your windows to show your support for our wonderful NHS staff.

NHS Growing Together - Colour In.pdf

NHS Staff - Colour In.pdf

Thank you NHS - Colour In.pdf

Thank you NHS Heroes - Colour In.pdf

We Love our NHS - Colour In.pdf


If you always wanted to make Cherry Blossom syrup, then let Mr Ellison show you how.