Pennine Road, Simmondley, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 NN

01457 852721

Simmondley Primary School

Caring hearts, aspiring minds

***School is now closed and will not reopen until Thursday 5th September 2024.***

school information

Admission Arrangements

Parents and guardians who would like their child/children to attended Simmondley Primary School should contact their Local Authority.  If you live in Derbyshire you should contact;

Derbyshire County Council

Exam and Assessment Results

Key stage 2 results for pupils who, for the most part, finished year 6 in 2018. These are the most important measures used to monitor school performance;

KS2 Results

Performance Tables

Primary school performance tables (sometimes known as league tables) can be found on the website;

Check school performance tables

School Financial Benchmarking

Schools financial benchmarking can be found on the website;

Financial benchmarking


School Complaints Procedure

All maintained schools and maintained nursery schools in England are required, under Section 29 of the Education Act 2002, to have in place a procedure to deal with complaints relating to the school and to any community facilities or services that the school provides.

It is the responsibility of a school's Governing Body to resolve a complaint received by a school and it is, therefore, important to have a procedure for doing so which is clear and available to Governors, employees, parents, carers and members of the public. Complaints from members of staff should be dealt with under the appropriate internal procedure (e.g. Grievance, Harassment etc.) 

From July 31 2012 section 45 of Education Act 2011 came into force removing the duty of the Local Authority (LA) to consider complaints about the curriculum, sex education and worship. Concerns regarding these areas must now be taken up with the school. 

The process and procedures for complaints or appeals about: 

  1. special educational needs provision *
  2. exclusions
  3. admissions
  4. child protection procedures
  5. criminal investigations 

may be separate from this procedure. The Headteacher may consult with the local authority for advice on the appropriate procedure for dealing with a complaint in the areas above. 

Also any complaint that leads to a disciplinary investigation will be subject to a separate specific procedure. The details of such investigations and any sanction applied are confidential but there will be a report back to the complainant giving as much feedback as is possible. 

*The LA should investigate a complaint where the pupil has a statement of Special Educational Needs and the complaint is related to the Statement or the conduct of any centrally employed authority staff responsible for the provision made through the Statement. 

Note: DIASS (Derbyshire Information Advice and Support for SEND) offers free confidential help, advice and support for parents/carers of children with special needs or at risk/have been excluded from the school. 01629 533660.

This document provides advice and guidance on how schools should respond to external complaints. It is important to note that anonymous complaints cannot be dealt with under this procedure.

In most cases complaints are successfully resolved informally through discussions with the Headteacher or, if appropriate, and only with the agreement of them, the staff member. It is anticipated that most concerns will be handled without the need for formal procedures. 

Advice from appropriate Local Authority sections is available to advise Headteachers and Chairs of Governors in responding to complaints, concerning matters of procedure and substance. Sections which colleagues may wish to contact for such advice include: 

Governor Support Service

CAYA HR Advice and Guidance

Education Improvement Service

Special Educational Needs

Health and Safety

Student Services


The local authority does not have a formal role in relation to the investigation and adjudication of school complaints, other than some elements of items a) to d) in Section 1 above.

Our Schools Complaints Coordinator is Mrs D Greaves, Head Teacher.

Complaints Policy

Requests for Paper Copies

Parents and guardians can request a paper copy of the information on our school’s website free of charge.