Pennine Road, Simmondley, Glossop, Derbyshire, SK13 NN

01457 852721

Simmondley Primary School

Caring hearts, aspiring minds

***School is now closed and will not reopen until Thursday 5th September 2024.***

  1. News
  2. News Updates
  3. Home Learning

Home Learning

23 March 2020 (by Sue Worrall (admin2))

To navigate to the Home Learning part of our website please click on ‘Children,’ then, ‘Home Learning’ which appears at the bottom of the list on the left of the page.  Each class has its own Home Learning Overview.  The Learning Overviews give content for Reading, Writing, Maths, Science and Topic work.

Art/DT and drama are all essential to children’s development and are subjects they enjoy very much.  Children could do these activities linked to their topics but that's not essential.  All of school was working on ‘Healthy Me’ in PHSE (Personal Health and Social Education) this term.   Any work on healthy eating and exercise to stay healthy would be great.  To keep children fit - BBC Supermovers has some great P.E. and cross curricular learning and evidently The Body Coach Joe Wicks is doing a 9am slot each day for children on his YouTube channel which could be fun.

Also on the Home Learning Page, underneath the list of classes, is a link to lots of great websites that can support the children's learning. It might help your children if you were to make a schedule of activities each day with them (remember to include regular breaks and lots of fun activities), so they know what to expect.

You're all in our thoughts and we hope to be in contact with you all soon. Enjoy the sunshine. Take care and keep busy.